Note: do not expect the pounds sign to be quite correct — it will always be in italic.
Roman \itshape
Italic \scshape
Emphatic \slshape
Slanted \ttfamily
Typewriter \bfseries
Boldface \sffamily
Sans Serif
ò \`{o}
õ \~{o}
ǒ \v{o}
o̧ \c{o}
ó \'{o}
ō \={o}
ő \H{o}
ọ \d{o}
ô \^{o}
ȯ \.{o}
o͡o \t{oo}
o̱ \b{o}
ö \"{o}
ŏ \u{o}
This costs `£' 45 to do (or $45 even); this costs £45 to do; this costs £45 in sans italic to do; THIS COSTS ``£'' 45 TO DO; THIS COSTS £45 TO DO THIS COSTS £45 TO DO FOR A FÉE. AND SO ON. The sūn has got his hāt in, hip hip hip hooray! ¡THE DAZED BROWN FOX QUICKLY GAVE 12345–67890 JUMPS! — ¿But aren't Kafka's Schloß and Æsop's Œuvres often naïve vis-à-vis the dæmonic phœnix's official rôle in fluffy soufflés?
§ \S
© \copyright
ı \i
¶ \P
£ \pounds
j \j
œ \oe
æ \ae
å \aa
ø \o
Ø \O
ł \l
Ł \L
ß \ss
¿ ?`
¡ !`
... \ldots